Occitan poetry 980-2006 by Joan-Frederic Brun
Philippe Gardy : Born in 1948 at Chalon-sur-Saône in a family where occitan and catalan were usually spoken. His first poems appeared in occitan literary journals when he was still a teenager, while at Nimes his professor was Robert Lafont. After he was for a while teacher of French and Latin, he became later a professional researcher specializing himself in baroque poets in Provence and Languedoc, and, more recently, occitan literature of the XXth century. He founded in 1977, the journal of sociolinguistics "Lengas" (Montpellier), whose he's nowadays the director. He wrote in many occitan journals (Viure, Amiras, Dire, La Revista occitana, Òc, Reclams) and is now director, together with Joan Pau Creissac and Joan Claudi Forêt of the poetic editions " Jorn". He also manages the literary collection « Pròsa occitana » at editorial Trabucaire, Perpignan Author of several books of poetry that surely make him one of the leading occitan poets at this time. (L’Ora de paciéncia, 1965 ; Lo Païsatge endemic, 1982) and more recently: La Dicha de la figuiera (2002) ; Mitologicas (2004), A la Negada (2005).
Tota dets e bocas
flor de transparéncia un
refofum de lutz miraclosa nòstrei paraulas en trena *** E
de mostres marins t'ai
presa dins lei vertigis de
tu ai bastit meis istorietas e
siás pas mai que meis imatges a
ton desir me rènde
AUTOSTRADA LOS SARRASINS / BORDEU Cristina dei mauvalats macarèl Cristina
in : « Lo radèu de la Medusa » N°2 |
All fingers and lips
beautiful flower of transparency an overflow of miraculous light our braided words *** And of sea
monsters I took you in the twitching of you I built
my small stories and you are nothing more than my visions to your desire
I surrender HIGHWAY
you, Christine of the roadsides! in my big truck going away in search of
the ocean, your cunt of peach and green tobacco offers its undressed
landscapes of
rains around my cock, inflated, so inflated, just like an
eggplant with a spicy sauce. Gosh!
Christine! your dark cherry mouth quickly will wrap up -
I'm sure of this - my delirium of sperm and gasoline. |
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