Occitan poetry  980-2006

by Joan-Frederic Brun




Medieval poetry: the kingdom of love
XVI-XVIII century: tasty baroque antiliteratures
XIX th century: toward a renaissance
XIX th century (1854-1914):  spreading and sclerosis of the Provençal miracle
XX th century (1920-1965): the anguish of no future
XX th century (1965-1981): "un país que vòl viure" (a country that just wants to live)
XX th century (1981-2000): postoccitanisme
XXI th century: just a living literature among many other ones? 


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Pels d'aur d'Ariana la bèla
tèunes coma una alba clara sus la mar
ligam leugièr de seda rossèla
estaca tan prima
totjorn prèsta a se desnosar
a la broa de la vida.

Ò Mòrt
que siás sedusenta
al fons del potz
los uèlhs de jada linda
lo resson de ta votz de cristal
tremola dins la prigondor
de mon còs.

Te disi ma miséria
ma solesa crusèla
Me parlas d'un endeman mens sorn
Lo silenci tenebrós de tas pèiras
Me fa signe.
Vèni a tu per estancar la set
que me crèma los pòts
e m'abrigar jos ton mantèl desbrembièr
d'aiga verda.

Lo fial de seda s'es pas romput...

Desirança de mòrt
trionf de vida.



Golden hair of ARIANE the beautiful,
as thin as a shining dawn on the sea,
light reddish silk yarn,
so gentle bond,
always ready to unknot,
you fetter me
to the edge of life.

Oh Death,
you're so attracting,
at the bottom of the well,
your clear eyes of jade
bewitch me,
and the echo of your cristaline voice feverishly flutters in my body.

I tell you my distress,
my cruel loneliness.
You talk me about a less dark hereafter,
the gloomy silence of your rocks
makes a sign to me
I come to you to slake the thirst
That burns my lips
And to shelter under your forgetful mantle of green water

Yet the silky yarn did not break…

Desire of death,
triumph of life.

There is no copyright. Our aim is to disseminate our culture among all  interested people and not to earn money with it. 
